Bitcoin bulls give ‘conservative’ 10 year estimate for hyperbitcoinization to hit

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A decade to hyperbitcoinization is “most likely,” says Kraken executive Dan Held, a forecast echoed by Unchained Capital’s Parker Lewis.
Bitcoin (BTC) may be just ten years away from seeing mass adoption in an event known as “hyperbitcoinization.”That’s according to participants of the Bitcoin 2021 Conference in Miami, who on June 4 delivered surprisingly optimistic verdicts on when hyperbitcoinization will come.Bitcoin could be unit of account by 2031Speaking on a panel, Saifedean Ammous, author of “The Bitcoin Standard,” Unchained Capital head of business development Parker Lewis and Kraken growth lead Dan Held all gave their deadlines for Bitcoin effectively taking over global finance.”I’d say a decade,” Lewis began.”I think that based on how Bitcoin has been adopted historically and based on the trillions of dollars that the Fed is going to have to print in the coming months – years, that it would potentially be conserva

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