Avalanche Rush to give out more than 180M in DeFi incentives

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The multi-stage program will start with $27M tokens allocated for the Aave and Curve protocols, with additional incentives reserved for Avalanche native projects.
Smart contract platform Avalanche has announced a $180 million liquidity mining incentive program, named Avalanche Rush. The program aims to encourage more applications and tokens to move to Avalanche’s decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, according to the release.It’s set to follow a multi-stage deployment starting with the Aave and Curve protocols, before expanding to other assets in the coming months. For this first stage, Avalanche will allocate up to $20M AVAX tokens for Aave and $7M AVAX tokens for Curve over a 3 month period. At the same time, the Avalanche Foundation will sponsor the launch of Benqi’s DeFi protocol native to the Avalanche network with a $3M allocation starting August 19.News of the Rush program follows the re-release of the Avalanche

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/avalanche-rush-to-give-out-more-than-180m-in-defi-incentives

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