Australian regulators seek public input on crypto ETPs

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The Australia Securities and Investments Commission has indicated that Bitcoin and Ether are the only two crypto assets likely to meet its evolving criteria for a regulated crypto ETP.
The Australia Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is seeking public feedback on on crypto-asset exchange-traded products (ETPs), stating that it is aware of rising interest and demand in their launch on regulated Australian markets.In a consultation paper released June 30, the regulator said its top priority was to assess whether the “unique and ever evolving features” of crypto-asset ETPs could meet existing regulatory obligations in a consistent fashion. Given this complexity and the fast pace of change in the industry, ASIC notes it deems it necessary to consult widely in order to assess the two key issues at stake:“(a) whether these products can meet existing expectations for ETPs, including whether crypto-assets are appro

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