As market slumps, Ren bolsters DeFi liquidity via Fantom, Polygon integrations

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The integrations could bring new assets to popular DeFi platforms amid a market-wide pullback.
As digital asset markets suffer a broad pullback, cross-chain bridge protocol Ren has announced integrations with EMV-compatible chains Fantom and Polygon that could bolster liquidity across the DeFi ecosystem. In a blog post on Friday, Ren announced that the RenVM bridge now supports the trustless transfer of four popular cryptocurrencies to Fantom, including Bitcoin, DOGE, and ZEC. Three additional Fantom bridge assets are incoming as well, including Filecoin and LUNA. Likewise, in a post on Wednesday, Ren announced a similar seven-asset integration with Polygon: Excited to announce the launch of a direct bridge to Polygon by @renprotocol! With the Polygon x RenVM Bridge, users can move #BTC and many more assets directly to Polygon, enabling high-speed, low-cost txns for these assets. Start bridging now:

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