Art reimagined: NFTs are changing the collectibles market

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With professionals stepping into the NFT space, the market is set to mature, making digital art a part of traditional collectibles.
Art has been serving as the ultimate source of inspiration to many people throughout all of history. In the era of cryptocurrencies and the digitized world, trends change faster than ever. For years, numerous artists have tried stepping into rapidly advancing playgrounds and grabbing their slice of pie, but now their time has truly come.The NFT fever has quickly taken over the industry, turning digital artists and popular meme creators into rich celebrities. It’s hard to estimate when this euphoria will run out of steam, but before the hype train stops, we’ll surely see more market records and thrilling experiments in this area.Related: NFT trading cards: A new way to own collectibles or an asset bubble?From a few pennies to a fortuneThe market cap of nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, shows fast-

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