An open invitation for women to join the Web3 movement

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Traditional investing is overwhelmingly dominated by men, but Web3 is a blank slate. With more women coming into the fold, we can break the narrative of exclusivity.
There’s no denying the current narrative about Web3: it’s a boys club. And, if we keep affirming this narrative, it’s bound to come true. The truth of crypto as a boys club won’t just be detrimental to women — it’ll be detrimental to the entire promise and growth of Web3. Web3 is not an exclusive club designed to keep people out. It’s a rising-tide-lifts-all-boats party that gets better every time someone new joins. The more people involved, the better the outcomes for everyone.My introduction to crypto came early: It was 2013, and I’d been invited to a small get-together at SXSW in Austin to debate tech and trends — specifically, Bitcoin (BTC). I was the only woman in that group. Many of us knew nothing about Bitcoin, but over the course of the

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