Altcoin roundup: Crypto credit cards could be the missing link to mass adoption

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Hodling is nice, but eventually, everyone wants to buy something. This is why crypto debit and credit cards are key to mass adoption.
Out of the many routes available to the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies, which includes decentralized finance (DeFi), layer-one protocols, nonfungible tokens and stablecoins, perhaps the simplest and most applicable path for the public at large is the ability to utilize cryptocurrency for everyday purchases with an integrated debit or credit card.2021 has seen a growing number of companies offer cryptocurrency-based credit cards that give holders the chance to tap into the value of their cryptocurrencies for daily purchases, but is this just the latest gimmick being used by businesses to earn a buck or a real sign of mass adoption?While the traditional financial sector isn’t discussed much in this newsletter because its focus is on exploring the various sub-sectors of the cryptocurrency ec

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