Advanced Micro Devices Inc: Will AMD Stock Price Reach $120 Mark?

Advanced Micro Devices Inc: Will AMD Stock Price Reach $120 Mark?

AMD stock price has been declining through an interesting pattern over the daily time frame chart.
Advanced Micro Devices stock is trading at 20-EMA to maintain above 200-days DMA and reach the 50 and 100-days daily moving averages.
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (NASDAQ: AMD) stock gained 56.47% year to date.
AMD stock price may recover towards the $120 mark as soon as it breaks out of the falling pattern over the daily time frame chart. However, AMD shares have been slipping through an interesting falling pattern since June 2023. Now buyers need to come forward for the rescue of AMD shares. Meanwhile, 100-days DMA line is acting as a primary resistance of AMD share price. As AMD stock price struggles to reach the 100-days daily moving average to register its recovery phase. 
In addition, Advanced Micro Devices stock is currently trying to sustain at the 20-EMA line to maintain its recovery during Tuesday’s trading session. Neverth

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