Achieving Equilibrium Between Blockchain Security and Decentralization (Op-Ed)

Achieving Equilibrium Between Blockchain Security and Decentralization (Op-Ed)

By Trevor Traina, Founder and CEO of Kresus
You are reading these words because our planet is orbiting the sun at just the right distance to neither fry nor freeze us. Our planet is perfectly balanced for life to thrive. And within that world, numerous other forces exist in a state of optimal balance: light and dark, tropical and polar, terrestrial and aquatic.
So it is when it comes to designing blockchain systems. Their most powerful forces must be balanced in such a way that one cannot usurp another. Security should be as high as possible, but this must be balanced with the need to maintain sufficient decentralization. Network fees should be low but not so low as to induce spam attacks.
Finding that Goldilocks zone, the place where conditions are just right, is as much an ideological challenge as it is a technological one. After all, blockchain systems are ultimately designed and used by people who are only as strong as their weakest link. Web3 systems must walk the line between bei

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