A Q&A with the researcher who identified Coinbase’s ‘market-nuking’ trading bug

20210126 coinbase C Daily 800x450 D18zpq

While much ink has been spilled highlighting the accomplishments (and losses) of the crypto market’s trading and investment firms, there remains one group that plays an integral, behind-the-scenes security role: crypto bug sleuths. 
From white hat hackers to researchers, this group of mostly anonymous coders and analysts scan blockchains and APIs to find possibly harmful gaps in the systems that power the crypto market. 
The discovery of a bug in a new trading feature by the pseudonymous account Tree of Alpha provides the latest example. They discovered a bug in the beta feature that would let a user to sell crypto in one account so long as they had the same amount of crypto in another account — allowing someone, for instance, to sell 100 Bitcoin with 100 SHIB.  
“I just used 0.0243 ETH to sell 0.0243 BTC on the BTC-USD pair, a pair I do not have access to, without holding any BTC,” Tree of Alpha explained. “Hoping this is a UI bug, I check the fills on the order, and the

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We współpracy z: https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/134856/a-qa-with-the-researcher-who-identified-coinbases-market-nuking-trading-bug?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss

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