5 easy ways crypto investors can make money without needing to trade

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Want to get paid to HODL? Here are five easy ways crypto investors make money without trading.
Large price jumps and 100x gains get a lot of attention from pundits and influencers in the cryptocurrency community because they offer the hope of overnight riches. In reality, these opportunities are few and far between. Not to mention, only a handful of traders actually manage to catch these waves and cash out in time to lock in life-changing money. Fortunately, catching a large price surge is far from being the only way for crypto investors to make a buck, and the recent rise of decentralized finance (DeFi), nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and the slow march of mainstream crypto adoption provides a near endless stream of investment opportunities. Let’s have a look at five different ways crypto holders can make an easy buck without actually having to trade. Staking Staking, which rewards users for locking tokens on a protocol as c

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/5-easy-ways-crypto-investors-can-make-money-without-needing-to-trade

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