3 reasons why Polkadot is en-route to a new ATH even after a 256% rally

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Steady development and strong fundamentals suggest that DOT’s rally toward a new all-time high is in the making.
The recent 256% Polkadot (DOT) recovery over the past 56 days has been nothing short of spectacular. Although the price is 23% below its $49.80 all-time high from four months ago, the altcoin’s $39 billion market capitalization has outperformed the Ether (ETH) by 66% over the past thirty days.Polkadot/USDT. Source: Bybt.comPolkadot is a blockchain network designed to support various interconnected, application-specific parallel chains, known as parachains. This scalability-focused project breaks up transactions into many shards and processes them in parallel, similar to what ETH 2.0 aims to achieve. Polkadot refers to the entire ecosystem of parachains that plug into a single base platform known as the relay chain. This baselayer provides security to the network and handles the consensus, finality and voting logi

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/3-reasons-why-polkadot-is-en-route-to-a-new-ath-even-after-a-256-rally

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