3 Million NFTs Minted on Cost Effective Solana Blockchain Weekly

3 Million NFTs Minted on Cost Effective Solana Blockchain Weekly

The cost-saving feature on Solana is the reason behind the spike in the number of NFTs minted on Solana.
Bubblegum is used for weighing down the cost of interacting with NFTs on Solana.
Solana blockchain shows 3 Million NFTs minted weekly. The reason is its cost-effective feature that is provided with the use of a tool called Bubblegum. Its main adopter is Drup Haus, a project that facilitates creators to mint and airdrop NFTs. Drip has been offering Bubblegum’s compression technology since early 2023.
The use of the Solana blockchain has increased due to its cost-saving feature. It has low fees as compared to Ethereum. A token transferred on Ethereum costs $0.63 whereas the transaction on Solana costs a fraction of a cent.
Bubblegum uses Merkle Trees to bring down the cost of cNFTs (compressed NFTs). It is a data structure that involves scanning the items in a Merkle Tree scales logarithmically. This means that minting larger numbers of NFTs resul

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We współpracy z: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/10/04/3-million-nfts-minted-on-cost-effective-solana-blockchain-weekly/

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