$223M fund for Internet Computer builders — but community is wary

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The Dfinity Foundation has launched a fund of around $223 million to support development on its decentralized Internet Computer network.
Zurich-based Dfinity Foundation has announced a fund worth CHF 200 million, or around $223 million, to support development on the Internet Computer — a blockchain-based decentralized network with wildly ambitious plans to one day “replace” much of the internet. The non-profit scientific research organization announced “The Developer Ecosystem Program” on May 26, and is now accepting applicants for development grants. These grants will operate separately from the $14.5 million Beacon Fund, which was announced in September 2020, and is a dedicated venture fund that backs developers creating open internet services on the platform.In a blog post announcing the new grants, Dfinity founder and chief scientist, Dominic Williams, stated:“Our aim is to support the reimagination of all s

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/223m-fund-for-internet-computer-builders-but-community-is-wary

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