2 reasons why Casper (CSPR) IOU token rallied 2,300% in one week

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CSPR appears to be following DOT’s route to success as its IOU token latched on to the bull market’s momentum and rallied 2,300% before it’s even listed on major exchanges.
Bull market cycles in the cryptocurrency market can be exhilarating for day traders and long-term investors alike, but the speed at which the prices move can make it a challenge for promising new projects that are looking to catch the momentum before the cycle plays itself out.This reality has led to some projects listed on exchanges in the form of token IOUs so that interested parties can get in on the trading action before the token is officially released. Polkadot (DOT) is one of the most well-known examples of a token that went through this process. Casper (CSPR), a proof-of-stake blockchain platform, is a relatively new project that has benefited from this IOU process, and its token value has made significant gains since the end of its initial co

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/2-reasons-why-casper-cspr-iou-token-rallied-2-300-in-one-week

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