Mayor unveils ‘Miami Bull’ statue with laser eyes to kick off Bitcoin 2022

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The Bitcoin 2022 conference had a bullish opening with remarks from Bitcoin gear-laden Mayor Francis Suarez unveiling Miami’s answer to the Charging Bull of Wall Street.
To mark the opening of the Bitcoin 2022 conference, Miami mayor Francis Suarez unveiled a laser-eyed bull statue meant to symbolize Miami becoming the self-proclaimed “world’s capital of crypto.”The statue is a 3,000-pound robotic-looking bull fashioned in the same vein as the Charging Bull of Wall Street according to the official website. The statue was commissioned by Florida-based finance firm Tradestation.“New York is the former financial center… I give you the Miami bull!”- Mayor Suarez #Bitcoin #Bitcoin2022— Bruce Fenton (@brucefenton) April 6, 2022

It was unveiled on April 6 at the Miami Beach Convention Center, where the conference is being held and was immediately labelled by skeptics at Intelligencer as ‘

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